G20 urged to deliver pledges for world hunger
Evidence continues to emerge that the release of international donor funds to support global food security is matching neither the scale of the promises nor the urgency of the situation.
View ArticleAddis treads in Chicago footsteps
The Ethiopia Commodities Exchange is a brave initiative to hook up farmers to customers they would never find within narrow local markets.
View ArticleFarms and forests must join up their plans
The global food crisis and the future of tropical forests have recently been covered in separate research and advocacy reports. It's time to join up the two subjects.
View ArticleThe climate change blame game
How far can we go in blaming climate change for food insecurity? Kenya poses the difficult questions.
View ArticleFlooded Thai rice delivers wake-up call to G20
The potentially powerful Committee on World Food Security has failed to follow up recommendations on measures to control escalating world food prices. If the Committee had gathered in Bangkok, it might...
View ArticleFrom famine to fondue: Sheeran joins WEF
The first week of the new year has brought changes at the top of the world's two most important organisations responsible for tackling global hunger. The head of the World Food Programme. Josette...
View ArticleConference notes: 26th March
Miscellaneous reflections on the first day of the Planet Under Pressure 2012 conference, embracing Lord Giddens, Twitter and Wordsworth.
View ArticleGlobal relationships in urgent need of warming
Senior politicians and business leaders are not talking to the scientists or development experts. The Planet Under Pressure 2012 conference warns that this is a recipe for failure at Rio+20. But the...
View ArticleDiary clash for world food and biodiversity talks
Negotiations on the UN Convention on Biological Diversity may stumble over finance. World food talks in Rome in the same week have similar problems. Agriculture and biodiversity are closely linked. Why...
View ArticleData revolution tested by African growth riddle
Investors believe that Africa is the growth continent. But new UN hunger figures tell a different story. Is this a case of bad growth or bad poverty data?
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